onsdag den 9. april 2014

Second day in Silicon Valley

Hi everyone! So today was my second day at M-A High School. I started my day with a delicious smoothie Caroline´s sister had made for me. At school, they had a so called block-day, which means that they only have 3 classes, but they were twice as long as usual. They had a math test in the first class, so after a while some other exchange students and I went outside to tan. It has been extremely warm these days almost 30 Celsius. Then I had statistics, which is also a math class, Caroline had a Spanish test, so I had to be with some strangers in another class. Our last class was AP US. History, which is a higher level than normal US. history I think. That class was probably the best class of the day! The teacher is really nice and laid-back and we talked about wars and the baby-boom in America and he asked me about gun control in Denmark. I like the classes here, but some subject like math is really hard to understand, since they do it in a very different way.

After school Caroline and I went to a place called Quickly, which is a japense place. We got something called bobble tea, which is a cold flavored tea. I got It with kiwi and it some chewy bobbles in it. It was soo good!! A couple of stores from it, there was a foot locker where I board some Jordan basketball shoes for my brother. Tonight we are going to a tap dance class, so I am very excited to see what that is going to be like. 

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